Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Child Sponsorship

Cant explain it, but what an amazing feeling to know you can make a difference to the lives of a family living in poverty on another side of the world. We have only been sponsoring a child for just over one year now, but its been a fantastic buzz getting letters from her family saying how much they appreciate the support. We decided not to hand choose a child, but rather leave it up to fate to decide who we were meant to sponsor. As it turned out we got this adorable 5 year old girl from Columbia. Ive modified her photo for security reasons. We got the attached drawing from her today. Awwww
I would recommend child sponsorship to anyone, cause its not just the life of the child you impact, but also that of the family and potentially the community.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Days like these...

Hate to break it to you fellas.... but even Tamsin has days like these! lol

Monday, July 21, 2008

day off work...

Shhhh.... I'm meant to be packing! lol

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Had an eventful weekend... full of highs and lows...
The highs included going to see Cirque du Soleil's most recent offering... Dralion... Was great! Having said that, their last four performances have all been great. Visually and technically stunning!
Also went to see the new Batman movie today. Am a big Batman fan, and this one, although quite violent, was superbly acted and really enjoyable. Go Batman... you can save me any day! lol And as for the weekend's lows.... lets not go there....

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Had fun Saturday doing brunch with my friend Brooke in a very popular French cafe in Rozelle. I used to think that only Italian waiters were flirts, but apparently its anyone from that side of the world.. lol

We then went fossicking for bargains around two markets in Sydney. I love market shopping cause you often get stuff you cant in regular shops... and for half the price. Brooke checking out some books for sale at a trash and treasure stall.
I think I am obsessed with coffee too much, so am trying to cut back. To aid this resolution I have recently purchased two tea sets, one for work and one for green tea with guests at home. Am REALLY hoping these inspire me to drink more green tea.

Of course I pondered this new resolution over a cup of strong coffee on Saturday. lol

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Had a great few days away in Melbourne with my friends. For those who dont know, Melbourne is well known for having fantastic shopping and cafes. In contrast to the USA, Melbourne also does great coffee! This meant that we couldnt go wrong when choosing a cafe to dine in, cause you are pretty much always guaranteed it will be good! Here are some photos of our time away.

The streets of Melbourne city. Trams, horse and carriage. Few cars in comparison to Sydney.
Some of my favourite little alley ways with street cafes and alfresco dining. mmmmA fantasic Italian restaurant where we had the most divine pizza and tiramisu... mmmm. Are all Italian waiters really flirty or was it just ours?

Should mention, that the main reason we actually flew to Melbourne was to see a band from the UK that my friend knows. They are called Scouting for Girls and are big in the UK and were just on a promo tour here. We got to hang out with them after their show which was cool. All the UK fans at the pub were going crazy! lol Check out the link below. Its really "happy" music.

Just had to take a photo of these souveniers below.... a kangaroo paw bottle openner and scrotum pouch! Guess what youre all getting for Christmas! lol

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A friend suggested I enable people to write comments on my blog, so I have just made that possible. You just need to click the comment section below the entry to comment. Apparently you can remain annonymous... but beware... I WILL work out who you are! lol AND I have the ability to delete or approve comments before they make it on the blog.... so be good! lol

Crimes against humanity....or at least against me! lol

Now I love my mum.... but what she did to my brother, sister and I as children is beyond forgiveness! Sure, she fed us, clothed us, and loved us deeply.... but she ALSO insisted on cutting our hair herself to save money! aghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps she can be forgiven for ruining one year's school photo... but TWO? And whats with the supposed "bowl cuts". I must have had the only mother in Australia with crooked bowls!!! lol

Welcome to my v#gina, enjoy your stay...

Went to see my doctor today. Not been feeling the best over the past month as have had a lingering cough, which I believe is now a chest infection.... cough... cough... lol
Anyway...., there I was chatting casually with my doctor about my cough when she kindly reminded me that I was overdue for my regular pap smear.... So what started out as an innocent, fully clothed visit, soon turned into a not so happy, half naked chick, lying on the surgery bed with her legs spread wide, being "fondled" by another chick! lol (for the benefit of my male friends reading this, Im gonna profess that she was also young and hot! -dont say I never give you anything boys! lol).
Which begs the question....why is it that not all guys aspire to be gynaechologists when they grow up?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Too cool for school...

What is it about a pair of sunnies that makes you feel too cool for school? lol