Started sorting my life out this weekend.... filling a few boxes with stuff Ive horded over the years and want to get rid of.... a daunting task. You just never know when flourescent leg warmers will come in handy again.... better put those in the "to keep" pile... lol
So after all the real world stuff was done and dusted for the weekend, I ventured into my OTHER life.... This weekend was an awakening for me... used to think I hated house and trance music, but my mate Frankhey was Djing and it gave me a whole new appreciation for it. Cool stuff! Not sure how well I will sleep now tho... trance like songs playing over in my head.... "...must....kill... the malaysian prime minister...." lol (zoolander)
This snapshot was taken when my graphics card was on its way out. Now Im not an experienced drug user, but I reckon Ive just had a taste of it.... "mmmmm colours... lots of pretty colours..." lol

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