Welllllll... haven't I had a whirlwind of a week... Last week I started to get a bad toothache when one of my wisdom teeth decided it wanted to get infected, which in turn gave me an infected ear and throat too. Was in a lot of pain and started on antibiotics. It wasnt getting better and knew I had to face the inevitable... the dentist! My dentist suggested the last time I saw him that I get all 4 wisdom teeth out as a precaution against infections such as this, but I insisted I didnt need to as was in no pain. Nothing like a bit of agony to make me take heed! So anyway, decided to bite the bullet (excuse the tooth pun) and book to have all 4 teeth extracted within days. Then began the horror stories from friends of what to expect. Some said swollen faces, painful jaw etc. I was totally freaaaking out and was almost ready to cancel the dentist and insist instead on being knocked out under general anaesthetic at the hospital, however in the end decided to face my fears and get it done as planned.
Funny thing was... once I was in the chair and had my IV sedation, I dont remember much else. Didnt feel any pain and havent really felt much since. Just take painkillers and rest and has all been quite rosy. No face swelling, no painful gums. Even went back to eating solid food the next day! Sometimes the fear of an event is the most horrific part... So here is gummy bear signing off for the night :)
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