Have you ever woken in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep? I did last weekend and cause it was too cold to move from under the covers, I turned on the tv. Not sure if its the same as in other countries, but without pay tv, the only thing to watch at 3am is infomercials, which are basically one hour long paid advertisements. So here I am in my semi-comatosed state readily absorbing the nonsense sales pitch for products that likely never sold in shops (hence the need to promote them while people are in a non-lucid state). All I can say is... it was a good thing my phone was out of reach, cause by the time I was ready to click off the tv, I was brainwashed into believing that every home, including mine.... needed an abtrimmer, zumba fitness dvds, and "magic makeup"! Oh my goodness.... shoot me now!!!
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