Had a lovely afternoon with several neighbours who all gathered next door for pre christmas drinks and nibbles. Such a nice change to meet people who are so friendly and welcoming. We've only lived here a matter of months, and already we've been invited to several parties and coffee mornings. In contrast, the last place we lived for 12 years we were only on common cordial greetings with neighbours (some of whom we didnt even like! lol).
After a few Baileys, we got chatting about interesting things about the neighbourhood, and I proceeded to learn that the guy next door is into art and photography (GOOD for me), but also that the previous owners of our house found a poisonous snake in our backyard a couple of years back and also there are numerous poisonous spiders in our area which we have to look out for (all BAD for me! lol). Now Im hoping that I misheard the latter bit of information and will put it down to having had too many glasses of Baileys... Ignorance is bliss, so they say? lol

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