This morning I was just getting on with business (was meant to be working from home) and was sorting some stuff that was in our loungeroom downstairs when I noticed a really bad smell nearby. Apparently my cat decided that the nice rug we had laid in the loungeroom was her new kitty litter tray so we found traces of cat poo around the rug. (Looks as though it was a couple of days worth, which says something for my housekeeping lol).
Anyway, so I tried to teach her a lesson by chasing her (and I DID have to chase her a bit), catching her and carrying her to the carpet to show her the mess and say "NO, NAUGHTY MINKYA" in a serious voice. She managed to run away again to another part of the house so I chased her again and repeated my discipline. Each time I also carried her to her kitty litter tray and put her in it.
Feeling rather proud of my newly found "cat whispering" skills (lol), I started back upstairs to get changed and prepare for the rather onerous task of cleaning the mess. Well..... as I was coming down the stairs, what did I see.... I saw the little defiant S#*#T of a cat doing it again, before my very eyes!!! Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh
So needless to say, my morning was a barrel of fun, thanks to little evil eyes here. lol
Tams!! Your blog is awesome!! I've been chuckling away to it. I love your photo's too....some of the things you have snapped are beautiful. Thank god you didn't snap the cat poo tho! lol. Have a wonderful weekend...love your house..wanna swap???? Beaky!
We have this old dog that we love but.... in her aging state has started to pee on the floor, hmmmm.
we're having the dickens of a time trying to retrain her to go outside but if it doesn't work. ..
so hear ya on the cat deal.
Lovely cat!!! Minkya 1 - Tamsin 0 lol...
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