Just realised today that Im actually going to the US next week! Wow, where did the past month go? Havent even purchased a suitably enormous suitcase to half fill yet (allowing for shopping purchases of course! lol). My colleague and I were chatting over our partition at work today re all the things we had to do before we leave, booking our hotels being high on the list, closely followed by getting to the hairdressers! (yes, I do realise that men reading this will not appreciate the relevance...lol)
Later in the day I was distracted by my colleagues squeals of delight as she beckoned me to her computer.... "We got tickets to the Jerry Springer Show!". Moments later we realised that the dates for the taping in fact clashed with our conference (oh crap), so she is pleading to have them swapped for an evening taping. Dont want to miss out on an opportunity to see US TV at its best! lol I had my trailer park trashy pair of overalls and checkered shirt all ready to pack!Where else in the world would you get the chance to witness quality journalism in the likes of "My stepmother is an alien", "I married my french poodle" and "My best friends, sister's husband's, parrot is gay!" lol
Stay tuned for further updates!
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