You know you're a SL addict if...
1) You keep looking for clothes you swear you have in your RL wardrobe, only to find, after much rummaging, that they were in fact pixilated purchases made in SL! (darn!)
2) You offer friendship to someone formally in RL and eagerly await their acceptance or rejection of your offer!
3) You dream about pop up blue screens with people's names on them.
4) You mistakingly think you can just casually freefall off a tall building and walk away without a scratch! (you will only make that mistake ONCE! lol)
5) You are frustrated that getting ready to go out takes more than a few clicks of a button.
6) You forget that in RL you DO have to wash and change your clothes each day! (only a problem for men I imagine!)
7) You have to set an alarm prompt while on SL to remind yourself to eat, feed the kids, the pets etc (dont laugh... Im not the only one to have forgotten meals!)
8) You find yourself signing your SL name on legal and work documents.
9) You and your friends from RL who also meet up with you in SL, cant remember how to refer to each other any more.
10) You are eliminated from the first round of "So You Think You Can Dance" after failing to impress the judges with your impromptu Michael Jackson moonwalk impersonation (after finally realising that the hot moves you showcase in SL are not transferable!!!)
Dont laugh my friends.... after all, most of you are not in a position to point the finger, cause you are ADDICTED TOO!!! lol
BTW... Above is a picture of my RL/SL friend Jasmine performing CPR on me after having been told that SL was closing for maintenance! lol
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