Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday break...
Weather has been quite hot lately so often find myself relaxing by the pool reading magazines and drinking cocktails. Mmmmm. As you can see my pet crocodile watches on... and the killer creepy crawley is also lurking a little too close for my liking! lol
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I survived another Christmas. Was fun actually. Didnt get to see any of my family as all gathering for a hot one in Queensland, but did spend time with the inlaws. We always do Christmas day in a house overlooking Sydney's Northern Beaches. Was beautiful weather once the sun started shining; warm, with a gentle cool breeze.
We always share the task of preparing food, so I made a salad and rum balls to share. There is also the annual family competition to see who can eat the most chicken wings. I'm not even a contender cause I just ate one, but my husband ate 21!!! Damn! He is the king!!! lol
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
You take the good, you take the bad...

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Before and after renovations...
And above is our makeshift library, with wall to wall books, DVDs and CDs. Still heaps to do, but we're on our way!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Attack of the killer creepy crawly!

Was a nice warm day today, so did the done thing in Sydney and lazed about in the pool. I did it in style too, cause was sitting in the rest area in the deep end while tanning my shoulders (was topless too, but shhhh, dont tell the neighbours! lol) , sipping on a ginger beer and talking on my phone. Ahhhh, sweet blisss....
The sun was so hypnotic that I found myself lulling into a daze, my eyes closed for much of the time.... until... i felt something tugging against my leg.... aaaggghhhhh!!!! It was the creepy crawly pool cleaner which had been set on automatic timer to start. It scared the ......... out of me cause I was off in la la land. lol
Once I had regained my composure, I couldnt help but laugh at the notion that it could quite easily become the synopsis for a Steven King horror movie! He did, after all, have a killer clown and killer car... so why not a killer creepy crawly? lol - Perhaps I should get writing and patent my script before forwarding it to Hollywood!
Its amazing how much can be achieved doing very little! lol
Monday, December 1, 2008
Nature at its finest
As you will notice, many of these pictures are so spectacular, that they look almost fake... To trick you, I have included one photo of a flower that is not real... I bet you will find it hard to pick which one that is :-) Enjoy...

Wow, you dont often get to capture a dragonfly this close... Just a pity I didnt get a more focussed shot.

And by the way... I the flower above doesnt grow in my garden... someone brought it to work today and its sooooo beautiful I had to photograph it too... its called a passionflower.... WOW!