And adults alike... lol
life isnt about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself
Bunch of nutbags if you asked me... lol
...and my body frazzled from the x-rays. My naturopath also decided I should be taking multiple vitamin tablets (16 to be exact) and drink herbs that make me want to dry reach just thinking about them! lol The good news is that I feel well and my health is not suffering in any obvious way. The bad news is that I have to see a specialist early next year and may have to go on medication for life. Oh well.... such is life.... no use letting it get you down (she says when feeling rational lol).
On a lighter note... I wanted to punch my personal trainer in the face at the gym today.... no reason... other than I hate her! lol
Doing a photography course this Saturday which should be great. Then will enter a photographic competition by end December online. Next year I will hopefully aim to exhibit some of my new work once completed. Next week Im flying up to meet my mum, sister, brother and family for an early Christmas. Should be great.
Well thats one month crammed into a few short paragraphs. Hopefully will do another posting soon. :)
Spent my first week on holiday spring cleaning the house. Lots of sorting and filling bags and boxes to give to charity. Also went through my pantry and ended up throwing out a couple of bags of out of date food. Shame on me :) Not the most fun thing to do, but necessary, and also very cathartic.
Also had my father in law over to help me build a bed for our spare room in preparation for my mums stay next week. My father in law also helped me re-grout the bathroom and it was a case of the blind leading the blind... or is it dumb and dumber? lol But am pleased to report that all turned out ok in the end.
This week I also made followed through with a step in the direction of one of my holiday goals to become more "green" to help the environment - I made the change from plastic bags to green environmental bags. I actually ended up preferring them, so made me wonder why it took me so friggen long to make the change!? lol