Had a great few days away in Melbourne with my friends. For those who dont know, Melbourne is well known for having fantastic shopping and cafes. In contrast to the USA, Melbourne also does great coffee! This meant that we couldnt go wrong when choosing a cafe to dine in, cause you are pretty much always guaranteed it will be good! Here are some photos of our time away.

The streets of Melbourne city. Trams, horse and carriage. Few cars in comparison to Sydney.

Should mention, that the main reason we actually flew to Melbourne was to see a band from the UK that my friend knows. They are called Scouting for Girls and are big in the UK and were just on a promo tour here. We got to hang out with them after their show which was cool. All the UK fans at the pub were going crazy! lol Check out the link below. Its really "happy" music.
Just had to take a photo of these souveniers below.... a kangaroo paw bottle openner and scrotum pouch!
Guess what youre all getting for Christmas! lol